School User Privacy Policy

In accordance with General Data Protection Regulations, login details should not be shared between colleagues under any circumstances. Registrations require the Appropriate Body to collect personal data of the ECTs and the mentors and we wish to assure you that your privacy is extremely important to us and we continue to take our responsibilities about how we obtain, use and protect your personal data very seriously. On registering an ECT, schools are required to agree to the use of their data in accordance with Statutory Guidance. This can involve sharing information with other Appropriate Bodies in order to obtain previous records and/or assessments and sharing information within the Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub with regards to ECF delivery. We will never share your personal data with any other third party for marketing or any other purpose other than those prescribed in the Statutory Guidance. We will use the email addresses in ECT Manager in order to send out important news messages to schools, mentors, ECTs, but we will not use this facility for marketing of any unrelated courses, events or activities. Schools are urged to adopt a habit of housekeeping and their own school's information which is held on ECT Manager and to delete any mentors who may no longer be at the school, or who no longer mentor any ECTs. However, please bear in mind, mind, once deleted a mentor's information will be considered 'forgotten' and should they take up the role once more their details will have to be inputted again. All other data should also be reviewed in order to ensure that contact details, school information, changes of staff etc are always updated. Documents relating to induction, including progress reviews and assessment forms will be retained for 6 years in line with the Statutory Guidance. Any questions regarding data retention, please contact

Contact The named leader at Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub AB is Jane Kennedy . The named support at Inspire Learning Teaching School Hub AB is Victoria Jackson